Almost Done

Okay, Sophia, this is for you: Less than 10K to go.

Yesterday, despite Lorna being home (ie sick and cranky), I managed to write 4276 words on Simple Sarah. That brings the total up to 86762 with only (drum roll) 8238 until my goal of 95K.

I think I know where I will stop it now. I think. Even though the next book roughly starts where this one stops, I’m not going to continue into it. I’ll finish, set it aside for a week, and start editing it. I may back up and add in a few things while re-reading.

I know I keep saying it but, I really like this book. I like it better than the original version, although it seems as though I may be the only one. Some people wouldn’t be happy if you hung ’em with a brand new rope.