Moving Along

I’d hoped to get more done tonight. But I just can’t stay awake. I even fell asleep during one of my favorite games!

Today, I got 2449 new words which brought Simple Sarah up to 82486 words. I pushed beyond the scene and started building toward the finish. I’m still not sure where it will end, but I will know when I get closer as to which feels better.

Lorna is sick and will be home for the next two days. If she gets sicker, I’ll have to play nurse-maid to an uncooperative patient. Maybe I should get a medication for her that will knock her out and she’ll be nicer. Hmm.


  1. Wow, you’re really flying!

    I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be so glad when SS is finished. It’s been a WIP for so long… It will be such a relief to finally know it’s written.


  2. You are such a smart ass.

    And yeah, it will be a relief when it is done. My goal is to get it submitted by this summer.

    Lorna doesn’t like it, though. She liked the original version best. Too bad, I said.

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