Creeping Along

Slowly but surely I am getting BG3 done (it is now at 15,289). It’s not that writing it is difficult, it’s just that writing is difficult. There’s a lot on my mind lately and only a small fraction of it has anything to do with writing.

It is interesting to read what I am writing now compared to when I first started BG3. I started it nearly two years ago as a short story in a challenge over at the Forward Motion website. (just realized I’ve not been there in, like, ever!)

The folks at Forward Motion helped me realize I could do this. And also helped me realize I was not in the right place. I needed to hang around folks of my own kind. Kinda like grouping critters at the zoo. A chimpanzee might be just fine with orangutans as it learns to climb but, really, a chimp needs to be with other chimps.

Which is good that I found Golden Crown Literary Society. Cool group of lesbian writers and readers. It was through their Yahoo! Groups list that I found my publisher.

Where was I? Oh, right. Writing BG3. I need to do that, don’t I?