bookmark_borderSpring Weather

Not long ago, last week actually, we sat outside in the sun. Lorna read a book, I let the sun touch my skin. It was warm and the clouds were fluffy and it was such a nice day. Several days.

Then we had that hail storm. And now the temps have taken a nose dive.

screenshot of weather forecast
(from WeatherUnderground)

Do you see those lows? Crap!

We brought my blue mist shrub back up on to the porch. We have the stove back on. The dogs are all on the bed with Lorna.

The last few nights, the wind has been horrendous. Our front door is in such good shape (her voice drips with irony) that we sometimes put something heavy in front of it to keep it from being blown open.

Ah, life in these mountains…

bookmark_borderM$ Error

Got this from Emergency Email and Wireless Network:

Microsoft releases emergency patch

Microsoft has rushed out a new CRITICAL security update that impacts Windows and Internet Explorer.

Microsoft decided to release the update, Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-017 now and ahead of its normal monthly scheduled round of security updates.

Microsoft Recommendation:

Customers should apply the update immediately

Systems Affected:

Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, and Vista are affected. Applications that provide attack vectors include

* Microsoft Internet Explorer
* Microsoft Outlook
* Microsoft Outlook Express
* Microsoft Windows Mail
* Microsoft Windows Explorer

The patch, MS07-017, is available on Microsoft’s security update website.

link to article

There’s another article over at My Way News:

Microsoft Patches Windows Vulnerability

(AP) Microsoft employees, from left, Rob Bernhardt, Brian Allrich and Grant Swenson communicate through…
Full Image

SEATTLE (AP) – Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) released an emergency security patch Tuesday to plug a hole in several versions of Windows – including Vista, which the software maker has touted as its most secure operating system ever.

Microsoft was so worried about the hole – which allowed hackers to break into personal computers and install malicious software – that it pushed out the critical security fix a week ahead of a regularly scheduled update.

rest of article

Microsoft Security website

Yet more reasons why I prefer Firefox and Thunderbird.

bookmark_borderCreeping Along

Slowly but surely I am getting BG3 done (it is now at 15,289). It’s not that writing it is difficult, it’s just that writing is difficult. There’s a lot on my mind lately and only a small fraction of it has anything to do with writing.

It is interesting to read what I am writing now compared to when I first started BG3. I started it nearly two years ago as a short story in a challenge over at the Forward Motion website. (just realized I’ve not been there in, like, ever!)

The folks at Forward Motion helped me realize I could do this. And also helped me realize I was not in the right place. I needed to hang around folks of my own kind. Kinda like grouping critters at the zoo. A chimpanzee might be just fine with orangutans as it learns to climb but, really, a chimp needs to be with other chimps.

Which is good that I found Golden Crown Literary Society. Cool group of lesbian writers and readers. It was through their Yahoo! Groups list that I found my publisher.

Where was I? Oh, right. Writing BG3. I need to do that, don’t I?