bookmark_borderFunny Clips

I’m going through my websites and seeing what all is there. Most of it is useless crap but some of it is cool.

For example, I have some “movie” clips and a sound file or two.

(click to play; right click and “Save as…” to download)

Serenity fans: I got the Firefly Theme – “Ballad of Serenity” as an mp3 file (1398 KB)
I also have a video put together by someone named Shayz. It is called Heroes and is a .wmv file (9101 KB/8.89 MB!!).

Then, if you need a reason to laugh your arse off:

BlondeStar (.wmv video and 1816 KB)
Cat Massages Dog (.wmv video and 1202 KB)
Choose Your Underwear Carefully Not Suitable For Work! (.mpeg video and 1573 KB)

bookmark_borderMuse Mousse Mousse

What is the fascination with muses? I mean, does a writer have to have one?


    (n) In ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science


    (n) The source of an artist’s inspiration [“Euterpe was his muse”]
    (v) Reflect deeply on a subject

No, I can’t even say Mnemosyne’s name so why would I want one of her daughters sitting on my shoulder, pointing me in the right direction? (I hate backseat writers, don’t you?)

Source of an artist’s inspiration….hmm, now, how can an artist or writer have a single muse? I suppose some artists could, since some seem to really get into melting clocks.

Reflect deeply on a subject. So, a muse is a personified pontification??

I know some writers who treat their muse as if it were a real person. I have noticed that usually the muse is the writer’s alter ego. Their muse is usually to blame when something goes wrong and sometimes even when something goes right. Does this type of muse act as a source of inspiration or frustration?

Oh, and that is myooz not moos which is how to pronounce mousse.

mousse: (n)

  1. A rich, frothy, creamy dessert made with whipped egg whites and heavy cream;
  2. A light creamy dish made from fish or meat and set with gelatin;
  3. Toiletry consisting of an aerosol foam used in hair styling

(definition source: WordWeb software)

bookmark_borderSilly Agent

I got an email today that had me first scratching my head and then laughing said head off.

Back story:

There’s a group called Writers’ Beware
They collect and investigate and educate about bad agents.
One thing to remember with agents and writers: The money flows TO the writer not to the agent. Agent gets paid when the books sells. Writer gets paid when the book sells. Writer does not pay agent. Remember that.

Writers’ Beware has listed the top 20 bad agents they get the most complaints from.

Miss Snark posted the list on her blog which is where I found it.

I used Miss Snark’s post and posted about it here.

The email I got today was from one of the agents in the list. Here is a screenshot of the email:

And here is the text, in case the image is all wonky for you:

Barbara Bauer, Ph.D. wrote:
Cease and Desist: Regarding your post of the 20 Worst Agents which you have copied from an Anonymous Competitor “Miss Snark,” it is disparaging, and inappropriate as well as libelous and defamatory. Remove it promptly. Thank you. Sincerely, Barbara Bauer, Ph.D.


(I even have a screenshot of my email window in case someone doesn’t believe me. but why on earth would anyone not believe me? :wink:)

So my point is, if you are searching for an agent or publisher, if you have been offered a contract by an agent or publisher, there are several places to go to check them out. And you should, really. But then, it’s your money and time they could be wasting.

See update: Revisited

bookmark_border10th Planet Update

From Planetary Society and their Planetary News:

Hubble Measures Size of “10th Planet”
By Amir Alexander

More so perhaps than any other object in the sky, for 2003UB313 size matters. When the giant space rock, nicknamed “Xena,” was first announced in July of 2005, it came with a startling assertion: it is larger than Pluto, the ninth and smallest solar planet. If this is the case, many argued that it should be recognized as a planet, the 10th orbiting our Sun, and the first discovered in 75 years.. It is precisely this possibility that has kept the International astronomical Union (IAU) debating the status and name of Xena for almost a year now, without reaching a definite conclusion. But if it is not as large as Pluto, then Xena would be relegated to the ranks of other giant Kuiper belt objects (KBO’s), such as Sedna and Quaoar, impressive and interesting in themselves, but not large enough to upset the nine-planet status quo.


Studies of Xena’s spectrum currently being conducted at the Gemini observatory in Hawaii may help uncover some of the mysteries of Xena, or it may be years before planetary scientists learn more about this remarkable new member of our Solar System. But if the latest measurement holds, the day may not be far when the official count of planets around the Sun will move up by one, to 10.

(full article)


First, I am not a rabid fan who knows every detail of every character of these shows. I only know the real name of one of the actors, actually. So for me to bitch about the shows, it will mean it bothered me enough to cause me to step into the realm of fandom.

Lorna and I have watched CSI for many years. We love the show. This is the original, the one in Las Vegas. We’ve always liked it for it’s complicated plot lines, the intelligent writing and the development of the characters. We’ve also followed Cold Case from its beginning, for most of the same reasons.

But the writers lately for both have made some major errors.

The first was for Cold Case when a murderer is said to be dying from Multiple Sclerosis. First, off, MS is not necessarily fatal. Second, the symptoms the man were displaying was far from the brink of death.

The man allegedly killed a 16 yr old boy about 20 yrs prior. He comes to the station and confesses to the murder. In discussing it with him, which of course is him being full of riddles, they discover he has grabbed another boy off the street and buried him alive in a box underground, the same way the other boy died. They go talk to the murderer’s ex-wife and that is where they learn he is “dying from MS”. When he killed the first boy, it was when he was first diagnosed. That many years ago, MS was still considered potentially fatal. Shortly after the murder, he went into remission, also quite common. Now he has shaking hands and believes he is dying for real this time.

Now, at this point, the writers of the show were within bounds. It is very plausible that the man would still believe that what was true 20-something years ago still is true. But they crossed the line of plausibility by having the police officers believe it too. This is when I start really ranting at the television. I was waiting for Lillie Rush to lean over and say “Guess what, moron? You ain’t dyin’ from MS but you will be dying in the chair.” Nope. Didn’t happen.


The other one was last night on CSI. First, the show was awful. It danced around and never really seemed to come together. It was as if they took a two hour show and crammed it into one, leaving out important details in the process. As a viewer, I kept thinking it would come together at the end. It didn’t.

But their big error again was medical. Three kids are killed and in the process of finding their killers, they go to the home of this one guy. They find him hiding in the closet, a wound on his calf, and looking like he’s having a seizure. Flip forward to where they are with him at the hospital. Doctor says he has tetanus. By the time symptoms such as his to that degree manifest, there is no cure. Dying from tetanus is a probably one of the worst ways to die.

Problem is, symptoms like that don’t show up for a MININMUM of three days. It’s been less than 24hrs. He got the bacteria from a staple shot from a hand stapler by one of the victims. This isn’t a staple shot from a pneumatic stapler. It’s the usual grip one used to put up posters and insulation. The staples are not old, they are not pitted in rust where the bacteria can hide. The staple hits him in the calf and from the looks of the other staples they were pulling out from the poles, it was no longer than 1/2″ deep.

Now, if they’d left it there, perhaps it would be a “Let this be a lesson to you!” kind of thing. Nope, they go and dig the hole deeper. The doctor says the killer will get a series of antibiotics and implies he will be fine in a few days. WRONG! Antibiotics will help with the infection and some of the symptoms. But it won’t get rid of the tetanus nematodes. It will be several weeks before he will know for sure if he will live after several layers of different treatments.

What they’ve done is given folks a reason to forget to get their tetanus shots every 5-10 yrs. Why should they? CSI folks just said antibiotics will make it go away even after symptoms have started so bad they guy’s jaw is locked.

And yeah, I was yelling at the television again.


bookmark_border100mph and Blind

Okay, it’s official, he’s nuts.

From BBC News:

Blind skier sets downhill record

A former soldier who lost his sight when he was attacked in the street has set a new downhill speed skiing record by a blind person of 100.94mph.

Kevin Alderton, 34, from Dartford, Kent, set the record at Les Arcs in France. He was guided on the slope via radio speakers in his helmet.

Afterwards he said: “I feel absolutely amazing. It shows disability is no barrier to achievement.”

(full story)

bookmark_borderVarious Updates

Books read so far this year:

    When the Dancing Stops by “Reese” (O,P)
    Sugar by Karin Kallmaker (O,P)
    a Pern collection (L,P)

currently reading:

    Sweet Creek by Lee Lynch (O,P)
    Writing Humor: Giving a Comedic Touch to All Forms of Writing (O,R)
    Dyslexia by M. Snowling (L,R)
    Virtual Offices by Alice Bredin (L,R)

L=Library; O=Own; R=Research; P=Pleasure

There’s others (that I have read) but I can’t remember them, dangit.

Current/Active WIPs:

Simple Sarah version 7– yes, that means it is in its 7th rewrite. But not to worry, it doesn’t change much from one to the other. I just like to start over vs push on with a plot line (or direction) I don’t like
BG2 – yeah, I consider it an active WIP. I keep thinking about it, I like the idea, but it just doesn’t come out when I write it.
BG3 – about to do a push to the end, although it may mean starting over sorta kinda
Centric – the never-ending-research book

bookmark_borderThe Marketability of Sleep

If you’ve not been reading this blog long enough, I’ll update you: I have sleep apnea and insomnia. I often ramble in the wee hours of the morning after pulling another night of no sleep. Sometimes, those ramblings are funny. Other times, they are psychotic.

At any rate, here’s bits from a 3 page news article from Wired News about sleep:

Wake-Up Call for Sleep Tech

“Sleep is the new sex.” So says psychologist Arthur J. Spielman, associate director of the Center for Sleep Disorders Medicine & Research at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. “People want it, need it, can’t get enough of it.” The same could be said of profits. Spielman is co-author of The Insomnia Answer (Perigee Books, 2006). He is also developing light-delivering goggles that are supposed to help people reset the circadian rhythms that govern when they nod off and wake up, so they fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.


And so many medical marketers to pick up the slack. “The ideal drug?” asks Gary Zammit, director of the Sleep Disorders Institute in Manhattan and chief of Clinilabs, which provides clinical trial services to pharmas. “An insomnia vaccine: You get it once and you’ll never have insomnia again.”

(full article)